Dazed Digital, Daniel Pinchbeck: 7, 2011

I recently travelled to Colombia to meet with shamans from the Kogi tribe, indigenous people who live in remote mountains of the Sierra Nevada. With uninterrupted traditions going back thousands of years, these tribal people may hold the keys for modern society if we want to develop a balanced relationship with nature. Through studying their social design and spiritual philosophy, we might learn to live without creating waste or fomenting chaos and violence on the world around us.

Spending time with the spiritual leaders of the Kogi was, on many levels, a revelation. The Kogi became known to the outside world over a decade ago when they began to issue warnings about the potentially catastrophic consequences of our continued mistreatment of the earth. They call the modern culture of the west “younger brother”. While our society is unsustainable, the Kogi – the elder brother – belong to a culture that has demonstrated long-term continuity, one that has seen many previous empires rise and fall. They believe this time is different, however, because the current global empire, based on domination of nature through technology, has spun out of control, reaching a point where it threatens all of life.

As small children, the shamans of the Kogi – called “mammos” to reinforce their identification with “the mother”, the feminine principle of creativity – spend as long as nine years living in dark retreats, never directly exposed to the light of day. They do this because they believe that the cause of everything that happens on earth begins in the spiritual realm: in darkness. Before they can become effective guardians of the earth, they must first explore this spiritual darkness, and learn its ways.

The Kogi wear white and project great dignity. They speak with poetry and precision, rarely wasting a word. For them, all of life is a sacred continuum, and seemingly simple actions have great significance.  The men chew bitter coca leaves almost constantly – the coca plant is healthy for them and sacred to their culture. They say that it makes their thoughts and words more truthful. When I sampled it, I found that it induced a state of clarity, and seemed to connect mind and heart – almost the opposite effects of cocaine. I wondered if coke addicts in the west actually have a subconscious need to commune with the sacred coca plant.

One of the main ideas the Kogi want to convey to us now is that there is a direct relationship between humanity’s level of spirituality or self-realisation and the physical condition of the planet. From their perspective, earthquakes, tsunamis, nuclear meltdowns, asteroids, and other natural and manmade cataclysms are the result of humans neglecting their spiritual responsibilities. Not only do we need to maintain the physical environment through actions that accord with proper intentions, we also need to make what they call “payments” to the earth through prayers, rituals and visualisations.

To the modern mind, this seems outlandish at first. However, it becomes more comprehensible if we survey a range of areas, such as the research on psychic phenomena conducted by scientists like Dean Radin and Russell Targ, not to mention the military and other groups (as in the film The Men Who Stare at Goats). Our brains are electromagnetic environments and our thoughts directly affect our world. The book Cosmos And Psyche, by historian Richard Tarnas, makes a comprehensive astrological argument that the orbits of the outer planets – Neptune, Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn – exert a major influence on vast cycles of human history. The exact correspondences he uncovers could only be due to a connection between the physical universe and our psychic reality. The greater universe we find outside of ourselves might be a projection of what radical psychoanalyst Carl C Jung called “the psyche” – the collective field of consciousness, or what the Kogi would define as the spiritual realm. In western alchemy, this idea was reduced to a catchphrase: “As above, so below”.

Kogi beliefs resemble the system of thought developed by the mystical philosopher G I Gurdjieff in the early 20th century. Apparently trained by a mysterious Sufi order in Afghanistan, Gurdjieff argued that the cosmos operates on the principle of “reciprocal maintenance”, with humans performing a necessary function in the cosmic order. We transmute matter – food, water, even air – into subtler levels of thought and perception, which are a kind of “food” for other classes of spiritual beings. According to Gurdjieff, humans are required to “pay the price” of our existence through acts of “intentional suffering” and “conscious labour”. If we do this, we evolve to more refined states, and learn to live off higher energies. If we ignore our responsibility, the recycling mechanism of the universe discards us as junk.

During our visit, I finally accepted that it is impossible to reverse the momentum of our civilisation, which is rapidly deteriorating. While it is crucially important to prepare an alternative model of what a new planetary culture can be, it is also necessary to develop “lifeboat” communities, preferably on high ground away from the coasts, where we can rediscover practices of sustainable living. There is still time for people to awaken from the dream world of our post-industrial suicide system, but that time is rapidly running out.

Daniel Pinchbeck is the author of Breaking Open the Head, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and the just-published Notes from the Edge Times. He edits realitysandwich.com and is featured in the documentary, 2012: Time for Change.

Dazed Digital, Daniel Pinchbeck: 8, 2011


Our resident shaman Daniel Pinchbeck continues his monthly countdown to 2012 and asks what it truly means to be free

So many things are happening simultaneously in this time that it can seem overwhelmingly difficult to isolate the underlying trends. Our immediate future as a species is threatened by accelerating climate change and species extinction – planetary processes humanity unleashed by ignoring the byproducts of rapid industrialisation. Reenacting the myth of Icarus, we sought freedom from all natural constraints, and we are now rapidly plummeting back to earth, as winters become more brutal, glaciers melt, bees and butterflies disappear, farmland shrinks, and so on. Today, the average person in the First World enjoys a freedom and comfort of existence, a diversity of taste and access to information, that were beyond the reach of all but the wealthiest prince in the pre-industrial past –yet we are facing a future of imminent scarcity. To a great extent, modern civilisation completed the Renaissance goal of refashioning the world in humanity’s own image. But we did this at the price of forfeiting the health of the planet and threatening the lives of our descendants, as catastrophes like the Gulf oil spill and the nuclear meltdown in Japan make clear.

With the spread of Eastern metaphysical thought and practices like yoga and meditation across the west, we find that freedom lies within us. We can’t be free until we have unchained our minds from old beliefs, social conditioning and psychological imprints – from everything that stops us from being present to the ever-changing flow of our lived experience. My own exploration of ayahuasca shamanism and other psychedelic substances convinced me that there are many dimensions of the psyche that await further discovery. As we gain more flexibility in our thinking and emotional lives, reducing projections and attachments, we become more available to synchronicity, surprise and wonder – we become, internally, more free.

But this internal freedom needs to be meshed with external action. I meet many people who practice yoga or Buddhism, or whatever, and espouse spiritual ideals while working as marketers or shills for corporations that use sweatshop labour, practice greenwashing or harm the environment. This kind of obvious contradiction seems increasingly grotesque and out of touch. Perhaps freedom begins with the courage to actually live your values to the fullest, and trust that the universe will provide for you, when you do so. This is a difficult undertaking in a culture founded upon separation, where each person is forced to compete against everyone else to succeed. To become free in a positive sense, people need to join together, to share and collaborate toward a common goal. This happens naturally in crisis situations. There is often a sense of authentic communion during a disaster or catastrophe, as people instinctively come together to help each other, without calculating their own self-interest.

Modern civilisation is not a machine built to last. I believe that humanity, on an unconscious level, is self-willing the world toward cataclysm in order to initiate a new level of connectedness and coherence – a new consciousness of freedom as something built out of relationship with others, and with the living body of the earth. The more that we can awaken to this now, the more we can prepare for the changes ahead. We can use our lives to model the new regenerative culture that needs to emerge, while facing the wreckage our psychopathic civilisation is still busily creating, removing the splinters it has left in our psyches. We manifest freedom as we master ourselves, overcoming distraction and decadence to align with a deeper purpose.

Along with the increase of earthquakes and tsunamis, the revolution in Egypt aligns with the prophetic calendar of the classic Maya. December 21, 2012 is the end of the “great cycle” that began over 5,000 years ago when the pyramids were built in Egypt, at the dawn of modern civilisation. It seems numinous that, as we approach the end of the cycle, modern Egyptians erupted to overturn the hierarchical pyramid of power ruling over them. This may turn out to be only the first note in a new octave of movements toward liberation that will unfold across the earth: a political and spiritual awakening that will change the direction of human civilisation – that will touch, and then transform, each of our lives.

DANIEL PINCHBECK is the author of Breaking Open the Head, 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl, and the just-published Notes from the Edge Times. He edits realitysandwich.com and is featured in the documentary, 2012: Time for Change.